DSoC Scholarship Fund

Doctoral Scholarship for Equity in Honor of Dean Rebecca Kantor

The Doctoral Students of Color (DSoC) Alumni Lynx created a scholarship to honor and continue Dean Rebecca Kantor’s legacy and true, authentic passion of promoting equity in education and her unconditional support of DSoC. 

On September 15, 2021 the first $1,000 scholarship was awarded to Maileen Hamto, a student in the EdD program focused on Urban and Diverse Communities. In true DSoC spirit, she wanted to gift half of her scholarship to Karen Jaramillo, who is now a graduate of the EdD Higher Education concentration and a past DSoC president.

This collective, supportive and giving spirit is what the DSoC and DSoC Alumni Lynx are all about!

If you would like to donate to this fund, we would love to continue providing $1,000 scholarships to our DSoC members. Please make your gift via the link below. Email for more info about the fund.

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