The November DSoC meeting was marked by engaging discussions and valuable insights from distinguished guest speakers. Dr. Junior Reina Toc, a DSoC alum and SEHD graduate, joined the gathering as a guest speaker. Currently serving as the program manager of the Iacocca Institute at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, Dr. Reina Toc shared his experiences as a doctoral student of color at CU Denver. His reflections offered crucial perspectives on strategies, supports, and conditions that contributed to his success. The DSoC community was particularly appreciative of the invaluable advice he shared, drawing from his own journey as a graduate student at SEHD.
We extend our sincere gratitude to Dr. Reina Toc for his continued support and for being a source of inspiration for current Doctoral Students of Color. His journey exemplifies the impact of perseverance, resilience, and the importance of a supportive community during the doctoral pursuit.
Dr. Michael Kocet, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Graduate Education in SEHD, also joined our meeting as a guest speaker. Dr. Kocet provided a comprehensive overview of the Office of Graduate Education’s initiatives for the upcoming years. The initiatives include an emphasis on Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice in Graduate Education, aligning with the SEHD’s commitment to fostering an inclusive academic environment.
Another initiative from the Office of Graduate Education is a focus on Graduate Student Mental Health & Wellness with the aim of creating a supportive and nurturing environment. We extend our thanks to Dr. Kocet for sharing these initiatives to create the conditions for a diverse and thriving community of doctoral students.
The November DSoC meeting was a meaningful gathering. Dr. Reina Toc’s personal insights and Dr. Kocet’s overview of graduate student initiatives left a lasting impact, inspiring DSoC members to navigate their doctoral paths with a sense of community.
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